Thursday, August 18, 2016


Magnetyczny pierscien + rozdzka Herkulesa w centrum
magnesowe, ktore kupilem w sklepie geologicznym oznakowane sa HEMATITE + zalaczona wielkosci wizytowki informacja:

Magnetic Therapy

The strength of magnetic fields surrounding the Earth today is less than half of what it was two thousand years ago. By supplementing the Earth's magnetic field, magnetic energy helps restore the energy necessary for the body to heal itself. Magnetic jewellery is not sold as a medical healing device. It is believed by many people to be therapeutic for arthritis, rheumatism, migraine headaches and relief from other acute or chronic pains. Magnetic Therapy provides a safe, natural source of energy for your body. When combined with proper nutrition, a balanced lifestyle and constructive attitude, Magnetic Therapy can improve your health and enhance your quality of living. Precautions keep all magnetic jewellery away from any battery or other medical devices such as but not limited to pacemakers, insulin pumps, or automatic defibrillators. Magnetics are also not recommended for pregnant women. If in doubt check with a medical physician.

Image result for magnet therapy bracelets

"Policja jest generalnie przeciwna jakiejkolwiek liberalizacji polityki wobec marihuany" - BOGDAN JOT ("Odklamywanie marihuany").

More pot crackdowns in the city

The cops' controversial crackdown on cannabis shows no signs of letting up as yet another pot dispensary was raided this week - this time in Forest Hill.
Toronto Police say officers executed a search warrant at the Canna Clinic on Eglinton Ave. W., east of Spadina Rd., around 2 p.m. on Tuesday and busted six people.
The ongoing crackdown on the many unregulated medical marijuana shops across the city began in May with Project Claudia, which saw 43 stores raided and 90 people arrested for drug trafficking and other offences.
"We were quite clear during the lead-up to Project Claudia, we sent letters telling property owners to cease these operations," police spokesman Mark Pugash said Wednesday, adding Chief Mark Saunders also publicly warned other pot dispensary operators that the crackdown would continue.
Raids have continued sporadically since Project Claudia. All tolled, Pugash said police have executed search warrants at more than 60 dispensaries and made more than 135 arrests.
Some stores have reopened since being raided. - CHRIS DOUCETTE (24HRS, Thursday, August 18, 2016).

Tremendous strides have been made in recent years toward legalizing, regulating, and retailing cannabis, making the once demonized weed more safely accessible to millions of people from sea to shining THC. Many of them experience tremendous healing and relief via the plant's unique medicinal benefits, while others simply enjoy indulging in a far safer method of altering their consciousness than mere alcohol can provide (Elise McDonough, "High Times presents Marijuana For Everybody! The Definitive Guide to Getting High, Feeling Good, and Having Fan", CHRONICLE BOOKS, San Francisco 2014).

01:40 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

03:38 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

05:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 21-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Szczescie nie polega na szczesciu, lecz na jego osiaganiu" - FIODOR DOSTOJEWSKI.

05:10 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Glos".

Wszystko co dzialo sie w Polsce w zwiazku z SDM pokazalo, dlaczego Komisja Europejska jest przerazona sytuacja w naszym kraju. To zwykly starch o to, ze podobnie, jak w latach osiemdziesiatych "bakcyl" Solidarnosci rozniosl sie po calej Europie Wschodniej, dzis to samo stac sie moze z polska duchowoscia. Ci mlodzi, rozmodleni, usmiechnieci I rozspiewani Pielgrzymi z calego swiata nie dadza juz sobie wmowic, ze Polacy to nietolerancyjni, prymitywni I zacofani "katole" nie rozumiejacy Ewangelii I nauczania sw. Jana Pawla II. Nie uwierza, ze w Polsce nie ma demokracji a ludzie sa zastraszani I boja sie o swoja przyszlosc.
Niezaleznie od tego, kto I jak bardzo bedzie sie staral zniszczyc wizerunek Polski, swiat tego nie kupi. Miliony ludzi ogladaja w swoich krajach wiadomosci a w nich migawki z Czestochowy, Lagiewnik, Krakowa... (Anna Dabrowska, "Zascianek zachwyca, zas 'ksenofobia' Polakow jest piekna!", GLOS, 4-10.08.2016).

05:35 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg + arytmia.

06:51 Hrs. "I fell in love" - unosi sie w Radio 7 na fali 1320 AM gdy odpalam maszyne. Na dworze slonecznie + spiew ptakow + sloneczne okulary.

06:57 Hrs. "Chce ogladac twoje nogi" - unosi sie w Radio 7 na fali 1320 AM gdy czestuje sie ze skrzynek na chodniku 2 gazetami. "24 Hours Toronto" z "Hunk Attack. Chippendales dancer reveals troupe's sexy secrets, including why they turn women on!" na okladce + "Toronto Metro" z "Inside France's burkini ban" na okladce.
ESSO, Shell, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.00.9.

16:45 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze slonecznie. 27-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 24C. + prasa na stole. "Toronto Sun" z "I was the cabbie who picked up terrorist Aaron Driver" na okladce.

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